The primary question that guided this project was how might we communicate the connections Couwenberg makes between the processes of textile production and cultural identity it produces.
From the 2021 catalog curatorial essay:
Annet Couwenberg: Sewing Circles installation shows us textile material research framed by a very interesting set of values and sources. What is intriguing in interacting with ten years of material research assembled in one location is to perceive how Couwenberg investigates textile research questions. Aesthetic form and process are equally featured. There are six specific material research investigations presented. Each exemplifies Couwenberg’s experimentation and curiosity in translating traditional textile production into digital fabrication.
PLAY was this exhibition design concept.
The question I asked in designing this installation was how might I begin to model and communicate my interest in simultaneity? Generating awareness of how our worldly, human actions are nested within of Nature’s continuum.
Likely Stories features ways in which man-made representations of a giant sequoia tree dimensions can help us visualize:
The actual scale of a 2,000-year old living creature;
How climate is capture in the growth of a tree;
Comparison between a bamboo pole and a tree trunk.
Artifacts included in the exhibition feature a 1:1 cross cut scale diagram; a full-length giant sequoia rule made from bamboo poles and a topology map of my “likely stories” sources.
As a graphic designer, Tejada rarely encounters Dominican design and Dominican aesthetics, even in NYC, home to the largest Dominican community outside of the DR. "One can argue that Design rarely represents anything but Western Design with its roots firmly planted in a Bauhaus, modernist lineage."
A 2021 School of Design Exhibition installation presented Tejada’s thesis.